Friday, January 30, 2009

Friday Rumblings

Well we are having snow today. It has been predicted all week but now seems to finally have arrived. YAY ! I do like to watch it fall. So soft and white and quiet.

It's been a different week. We are under a volcano watch . Yes VOLCANO!!! we actually have several of them in Alaska , did you also know that Alaska is on of the most seismic active earthquakes places around??? Yep we feel some good shakers now and again. We actually get nervous when we don't feel them. Here is the site we go to look and see what our volcano is up to.
it has a great map of the region and area so you can see where its at and what Alaska looks like.

So what kind of storm /disaster would you "rather " be in ???
I know for sure i do NOT ever wish to be in another hurricane again.......they are NO FUN !! ZERO . Blizzards are kinda ok they eventually stop and you just have LOTs of snow everywhere and tornados do not sound like fun either. Thunder storms are nice ......comforting LOUD and Noisy but Comforting. The bible says that thunder is GOD talking. Wonder what hes saying?!!We don't get thunder storms in alaska very often. in the 12 years i have lived here. One time. i took video of it cause the clouds looked like a dragon it was cool!!!

Me and my son have been watching "Firefly" its from 2002 . It was a televison series and it only lasted on season . We really like it. FUNNY and gunsmoke meets space . In 2005 they made a movie "Serenity" it was a finale of the show. We are going to watch it again we think, we liked it.

Have a great weekend . I will let you know about the volcano as she blows........

Monday, January 26, 2009

YAY the sun is shining this morning and AND the days are getting lighter longer. It has been a long winter here and yet we have till the middle of may till its over . Ah well I will just work on my house and continue to get it like I want it.

Yesterday our sweet grandbaby was dedicated to GOD and that was special . Then we all went to lunch at the favorite chinese resterant. We packed the place out with our group of 26 give or take one or two. It was fun. It was really a good day.

Today I am just trying to figure out what my task is and how much I want to give to it. Seems I just have no motivation for much of anything lately. I find that weird and disturbing all at once and yet i seem to be locked in at this spot. GGGGGGRRRRRRRRR I DO NOT LIKE THAT FEELING. THIS FEELING!

Well I am off to GO attack the books I have piled up waiting to be put on shelves..